Shareholders approve all proposals – no change on board of directors.
At the Ordinary General Meeting of Feintool International Holding AG held on 14 April 2015, the shareholders approved the Annual Report as well as the 2014 financial statements. The proposed dividend distribution of CHF 1.50 per registered share was also accepted.
All six members of the Board of Directors were re-elected by the General Meeting. Alexander von Witzleben as Chairman and Dr. Michael Soormann as Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors were re-elected for a further year.
Board members confirmed in their positions
The Audit Committee is made up of Dr. Kurt E. Stirnemann (Chair), Alexander von Witzleben, Wolfgang Feil and Dr. Michael Soormann. The Nomination and Compensation Committee comprises Dr. Michael Soormann (Chair), Alexander von Witzleben and Wolfgang Feil. Thomas A. Erb and Dr. Thomas Muhr are further members of the Board.
In connection with the Ordinance against Excessive Remuneration in Listed Companies Limited by Shares (ERCO), the Articles of Association of Feintool International Holding AG were amended accordingly.
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