Shareholders approve all proposals – new board member elected and capital increased.
Shareholders approved the 2015 Annual Report and financial statements at the Annual General Meeting of Feintool International Holding AG held on April 19, 2016. The proposed dividend distribution of CHF 1.50 per registered share was also accepted.
The Meeting also re-elected all six members of the Board of Directors. Alexander von Witzleben and Dr. Michael Soormann were re-elected as Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors respectively for a further year. Dr. Rolf-Dieter Kempis was elected as a new member of the Board.
Board members confirmed in their positions
The Audit Committee is made up of Dr. Kurt E. Stirnemann (Chair), Alexander von Witzleben, Wolfgang Feil and Dr. Michael Soormann. The Compensation and Nomination Committee comprises Dr. Michael Soormann (Chair), Alexander von Witzleben and Wolfgang Feil. Thomas A. Erb, Dr. Thomas Muhr and Dr. Rolf-Dieter Kempis are further members of the Board.
Owing to an approved increase in share capital, the Articles of Association of Feintool International Holding AG have been amended accordingly. These can be viewed here.
Media release as pdf
Brief Profile on Feintool
Stefan Walther, Head of Strategic Planning and Business Development of the Feintool Group, spoke about the strategy of a fineblanked components supplier in the context of the radical changes in the mobility sector. In this connection, he talked about the megatrends in the automobile industry, in particular about e-mobility, autonomous driving, shared mobility, production and product digitization, sustainability, and large quantities in high quality. Feintool’s strategic focus is on expanding its existing business on the one hand, while on the other hand, existing and new alternative applications are being expanded, which is opening up new business areas for Feintool. In new projects with suppliers, customers and research partners, Feintool is developing ways of using fineblanking technology for new and innovative components such as fuel cells.
At the Exhibition booth, many fineblanked components could be examined more closely and the visitors were able to convince themselves of the advantages of fineblanking. There were also interesting discussions about fineblanking with Markus Schaltegger, Head of the Fineblanking Technology Segment, and Key Account Managers Franz Jurt and Patrick Vonmüllenen.
The congress was a fascinating source of information for the more than 250 participants. At the same time, it offered executives and experts from production, development, construction and management a platform for sharing experiences.